The Sky Raider 1925


A mechanic with the French Air Force, Vanesse sabotages the plane of Capt. Charles Nungesser, France's Flying Fiend, by placing Paul Willard's flying insignia in Nungesser's intake manifold. Paul is accused of the deed and sentenc...

Todos los títulos
  • US: The Sky Raider The Sky Raider
  • BR: O Bandoleiro dos Ares O Bandoleiro dos Ares
  • FR: Le vainqueur du ciel Le vainqueur du ciel
  • JP: 空中襲撃 空中襲撃
  • PT: O Vencedor do Céu O Vencedor do Céu
  • US: The Sky Raider The Sky Raider
Fecha de lanzamiento 05 Apr 1925
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